The Chew Zucchini Noodle Beef Stroganoff

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort nutrient around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, bulky gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in nigh 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option!

ThisUltimate Beefiness Stroganoff recipe is a archetype that my family unit really loves.  We enjoy recipes with simple ingredients, and beef recipes are always a winner… like my Cheesy Beef and Shells andMeatball Sub Casserole!  This is one of myBeef Recipes I know yous'll want to keep on hand!

white bowl of beef stroganoff with spoon


Who's in the mood for some weeknight dinner comfort food?

If you've ever had to chew your fashion through a dry out and tough stroganoff with a gray, unappetizing sauce, then this is the recipe you need.  The recipe you deserve!

Tender, juicy strips of beefiness, enough of mushrooms and onions, all smothered in the nigh mouthwateringly rich, bulky gravy with that archetype tang from the sour cream.

In that location's a reason I phone call this the ultimate beef stroganoff!  Using a well-marbled ribeye, extra mushrooms (and not white mushrooms – cremini) with a bulky flavor, and a perfect combination of beef broth sour foam and dijon mustard… all yield a dish that'due south fit to serve to visitor, even so like shooting fish in a barrel plenty to make on a weeknight for the family.


step by step how to make beef stroganoff

  1. Brownish beef. Flavor beef with common salt and pepper, then sear in a super hot skillet with a chip of oil, for nearly 1 minute per side. Remove to a plate.
  2. Cook mushrooms/onions. Add butter and oil to skillet and melt onions and mushrooms for about 5-8 minutes, until aureate.  Add together garlic and cook 30 seconds.
  3. Add flour. Sprinkle flour over skillet contents, then add salt, pepper, and thyme.  Stir and cook 1-2 minutes.
  4. Add goop. Cascade in beef broth, stirring as you add it.  Add Worcestershire sauce and cook until it starts to thicken.
  5. Stir in sour cream. Add mustard, sour foam and beef, and simmer until thickened.
  6. Add garnishes and egg noodles. Stir in parsley, dark-green onions, and cooked egg noodles and serve.

beef stroganoff in skillet with egg noodles


  • CUT OF Beef – I've seen enough of beef stroganoff recipes using round roast or fifty-fifty chuck roast, but I don't recommend those.  They may be cheaper than ribeye, but they're tougher cuts, which need a longer melt time (like a pot roast), to break downwardly the connective tissue.  Ribeye is my accented favorite cut of beef to utilise in this recipe, since it's well marbled and has great flavour.
  • REMOVING THE BEEF OR NOT – I've fabricated this recipe two ways, one with removing the steak to a plate and adding it in at the stop, and one with keeping the beef in the skillet the whole time. I recommend removing the beef and adding it at the terminate, but if you leave information technology in the whole fourth dimension, you lot'll still take a succulent stroganoff!

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe


  • Craven – using craven makes this dish lighter, just all the same delicious! Try my One Pan Chicken Stroganoff.
  • Basis BEEF – steak can be pricey, and isn't something yous may have on hand.  Experience free to substitute an equal corporeality of basis beef in this recipe, draining the beef after it cooks.
  • COGNAC – when it's time to add the beef broth, add together 2 Tbsp of cognac or sherry to the pan get-go, letting it melt a minute or 2 earlier calculation the beef broth.  This will add some extra depth of flavor to the sauce!
  • SERVING OPTIONS – here in the U.S., stroganoff is traditionally served over egg noodles, but it'southward besides amazing over mashed potatoes, rice, or even as a sandwich!  Pick upwardly a few crusty sub rolls, split them open, and add a few heaping spoonfuls of beef stroganoff (draining off some of the sauce so it'southward non besides sloppy).  My favorite sandwich toppings are some sliced red onion and some peppery arugula lettuce!

stroganoff in white bowl with beef

MAKING Beefiness STROGANOFF Alee OF Fourth dimension

I prefer this dish when it'southward made right before serving, but you CAN arrive alee of time if you'd similar.

Cook this recipe up to the sour cream step, merely don't add the sour foam or mustard.  Render the beefiness to the pan, then cool completely and shop in the refrigerator.

Reheat in a skillet, adding the sour cream and mustard and continuing with the recipe from that point.  If the sauce got too thick, add a splash of actress beef goop.


Leftover beef stroganoff should exist refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3-4 days.

For the best texture, I recommend storing the noodles separately.

closeup of beef stroganoff in skillet


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  • Deep skillet – I like to employ my enameled cast iron for this recipe, it gives a great sear, yet is deep enough to concord everything.


AND DON'T FORGET, IF You lot'VE Made THIS RECIPE, Exit A Comment AND Delight Requite Information technology A STAR RATING LETTING ME KNOW HOW YOU ENJOYED Information technology!

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!  Tender beef strips, mushrooms and onions are smothered in a rich, beefy gravy and tossed with egg noodles.  Ready in about 30 minutes, it's a fabulous weeknight dinner option! #beef #beefstroganoff #stroganoff #comfortfood #dinner #weeknight #30minute #easyrecipe

Did you lot brand this? Be sure to leave a review below and tag me @the_chunky_chef on Facebook and Instagram!

Servings: 4 - half-dozen servings

(hover over # to adjust)

The Ultimate Beef Stroganoff is the most soul-warming comfort food around!

  • 1 lb. wide egg noodles cooked according to package directions, and set aside
  • ane 1/two lbs. boneless ribeye steak or sirloin steak
  • one 1/2 tsp kosher salt divided
  • 3/4 tsp blackness pepper divided
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil divided
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • ane medium yellow onion diced
  • 12 oz cremini/baby bella mushrooms sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1/iv cup all purpose flour
  • two 1/ii cups beef broth/stock reduced sodium
  • one Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • ane/2 loving cup sour cream
  • 1 - ii Tbsp sliced light-green onions for garnish
  • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley for garnish


  • Slice steak against the grain into approximately 1/4" strips. Flavour with 1 tsp kosher salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper.

  • Add i Tbsp olive oil to large skillet and estrus over MED-Loftier/HIGH heat. Add steak slices in a unmarried layer (you'll probable need to do this in batches so as to not overcrowd the skillet).

  • Cook for 1-2 minutes, non stirring. Flip steak over and melt another minute or two until aureate dark-brown. Remove to plate and proceed with remaining batches of beef. If skillet gets too dry, add another drizzle of oil.


  • To same skillet, add remaining 1 Tbsp olive oil and butter. Once melted, add onion and mushrooms and melt for 5-8 minutes, until onions have softened and mushrooms are getting golden.

  • Add garlic and cook another thirty seconds - i minute.


  • Sprinkle in flour, dried thyme, remaining ane/ii tsp salt and ane/2 tsp black pepper and stir well to glaze. Cook for 1 minute.

  • Pour in beef goop slowly, stirring as you add information technology. Add Worcestershire sauce, melt, stirring often, until starting to thicken, about 5-vii minutes.


  • Stir in Dijon mustard and sour cream, then add cooked steak, along with any accumulated juices on the plate. Simmer another minute or two, or until sauce is thickened enough to thickly coat the dorsum of a spoon.


  • Add dark-green onions and parsley and cooked egg noodles and stir to combine well.

  • Serve hot, sprinkled with additional chopped parsley and a sprinkle of black pepper.

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The Chunky Chef is not a dietician or nutritionist, and whatsoever nutritional data shared is an estimate. If calorie count and other nutritional values are important to y'all, we recommend running the ingredients through whichever online nutritional computer y'all prefer. Calories tin can vary quite a chip depending on which brands were used.

Hey there! I'g Amanda. Married woman, mother, photography nerd, and bacon lover! I believe that delicious meals should be easy to make. At present that you're here, stay a bit, browse a few recipes, and permit's go cookin'!

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