Can I Upload Email on Google Drive

Google marketed Gmail in 2006 equally inbox storage large plenty that you should "never delete anything" and information technology was a truly revolutionary at the time. The inbox space offered was unheard of& and nobody really knew what they would practise with that much space. Google powered the email inbox with Google Search& bolstering the thought to never delete annihilation& telling people that everything they wanted in their inbox was just a search away.

And then& while it might seem a little counterintuitive today with enough of storage available to us in our email inboxes& it always makes sense to salvage important emails away from your Gmail account to Google Drive so that you accept a tape of the email as a backup. Why? Considering fifty-fifty if you did not intentionally delete anything& it is completely possible and probable that yous volition terminate up deleting something accidentally& in i of your spring-cleaning moods. Also& it makes sense to store of import files and emails separately in a different binder too& to have records in one place.

Table of Contents

  • How To Save Emails To Google Drive?
  • How To Salve Emails To Google Drive Using Wondershare InClowdz?

Part 1

How To Salvage Emails To Google Drive?

It is easy to save emails from your Gmail to Google Bulldoze on a computer. All you practice is follow the steps you accept currently to impress an email in Gmail& and instead of your printer& you just select the location as your Google Drive – the selection already exists – you lot just might not take ever noticed it earlier. Hither are detailed steps to follow to salve emails to Google Bulldoze using Gmail and a computer.

Step one: In your web browser& open Gmail and open the email yous want to save to Google Drive. Expect for the impress option and click it. When you are in the print preferences& look for the selected printer and click it to show a list of printers.


Step ii: From this list& select Save to Google Drive to save this e-mail equally a PDF in Google Bulldoze. This is it!

Alternative Method

At present& come 2021& Google will deprecate this wonderful time-saving option. So& you lose a direct method of saving emails to Google Drive. What are the options? Well& now you simply print the email out normally like you do but choose the destination as PDF and save information technology locally on your computer. Then& y'all upload the mail to Google Drive in a binder of your choice.

Step 1: Open the email you desire to save to Google Bulldoze.

Step two: Look for the print option and click it.

Step iii: In the destination& select Save every bit PDF and keep.


Pace iv: Open Google Drive in a browser tab and navigate to the folder you desire to use to relieve emails to and drag-and-driblet the email PDF from your computer to Google Bulldoze.

Office ii

How To Save Emails To Google Drive Using Wondershare InClowdz?

It might take been tough to recommend any other way for frequent or even exceptional saves to Google Drive& considering the Relieve to Google Drive selection was gratis and worked but great& simply seeing equally that selection is set to be deprecated by the end of the twelvemonth& it makes sense to make alternative arrangements to accept care of your workflow. At present& you will have to download a PDF and upload it to Google Bulldoze& in that location is no other way unless you get the 3rd-party road. This brings u.s. to third-party tools such as Wondershare InClowdz.

Wondershare InClowdz does several things at one time. You tin employ InClowdz to upload your emails to Google Drive& but because it too features a Management module& yous tin do more than just upload. You can utilise Wondershare InClowdz to manage your connected cloud drives all in one place and move and migrate data betwixt connected accounts besides as utilise InClowdz to sync your data beyond your cloud accounts.

Drift, Sync, Manage Clouds Files in One Place

  • • Migrate cloud files such equally photos, music, documents from ane bulldoze to another, like Dropbox to Google Bulldoze.
  • • Fill-in your music, photos, videos in one could drive to some other to keep files safe.
  • • Manage all cloud drives such equally Google Bulldoze, Dropbox, OneDrive, box, and Amazon S3 in one place.
  • • Sync clouds files such every bit music, photos, videos, etc., from one cloud drive to another.

Pace 1: Sign up for InClowdz and log in to your InClowdz account


Step ii: Click the Management module and offset by adding your Google Drive. This is how Management module looks after yous accept added a few of your cloud accounts to it.


Stride 3: You can become to your preferred cloud account& Google Drive in this instance& and open the folder in which you want to salve emails to Google Drive using Wondershare InClowdz. At present& simply drag and drop from your calculator.

It is very easy to manage your Google Drive from InClowdz and information technology even allows migrating files from one cloud service to another from within the interface. You can correct-click on a file and select Migrate to move that file to another cloud account. Yous can use your full storage in i software& and advertisement& delete and copy files and folders easily.


This is truly wonderful to encounter in activeness and allows for unprecedented control and possibilities of and with your data in the cloud.

Yous could also use other services such as MultCloud and CloudHQ to upload your emails to Google Drive& merely you would miss out on managing your cloud accounts in ane place and so easily every bit you can with Wondershare InClowdz.


Saving emails is not a bad thing& not today& not ever. Save your emails to Google Bulldoze easily with Wondershare InClowdz and manage your cloud accounts easily and intuitively in i place. Furthermore& migrate contents between your cloud accounts easily from within the accounts connected inside the InClowdz interface. Achieve peace of heed and college productivity.


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