Black Girl Letter to Make Your Daycare Great Again

The caput of a Winnipeg daycare centre says she fears for the safety of children in her care after an bearding racist letter was sent there twice in the past calendar week.

Racist alphabetic character targeting Winnipeg daycare alarms parents

Winnipeg police are investigating an anonymous racist alphabetic character that was posted at a local daycare twice in contempo days, expressing concern nearly the number of Nigerian children and employees in that location. ane:44

The head of a Winnipeg daycare middle says she fears for the condom of children in her care after an bearding racist letter was sent there twice in the past week.

The Winnipeg Police Service confirms it is investigating a complaint related to the letter, which was posted on thedoor of the St. Norbert Children'due south Middle last Friday and again on Monday.

The anonymous notice alleges that the daycare is changing its name to "St. Nigeria Mean solar day Care" and will provide intendance "exclusively for Afro-Nigerian kids" with "Nigerian" staff and management.

"Everything about that letter is racist. I tin't think of any part that isn't," Avril Coutou, the daycare's executive director, told CBC News on Thursday afternoon.

Jamie Drennan, correct, holds his nine-month-old son, Parker, who attends the St. Norbert Children'south Centre. The daycare was targeted twice in the by calendar week by an anonymous alphabetic character challenge the facility has race-specific policies. (CBC)
"To keep referring to Afro-Nigerian is pretty much selecting one group, and I'm totally confronting that."

The letter also came as a daze to parents similar JamieDrennan, who says he was disturbed past what he saw.

"Really, posting a letter on a door is making you look like a racist idiot," said Drennan, whose nine-month-onetime son, Parker, goes to the daycare.

"If you got something to say, say it and don't be shy behind paper."

The author of the alphabetic character, who is never named, threatens to distribute similar notices throughout the St. Norbert neighbourhood.

"Tax payers coin is invested in this daycare and we want it to run fairly not being prejudice [sic] to 1 item race," the notice states in part.

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Coutou countered the anonymous letter of the alphabet with an email to parents this calendar week. She even outlined the diverse ethnic backgrounds of its staff members and children in intendance.

The St. Norbert Children's Centre attached a copy of the offending find in its ain electronic mail to parents this calendar week. The daycare'south e-mail condemns the person or people behind the anonymous letter and even outlines the indigenous backgrounds of its children and staff. (Submitted by Jamie Drennan)
According to her email, the majority of the daycare's children — near 30 — are Caucasian, and it cares for children from countries around the globe, including 12 from Nigeria.

Coutou said information technology felt "demeaning" to have to tally the racial backgrounds of the children and staff at her daycare.

However, she noted that the one expert thing about the controversy is the positive response she has received from parents.

"We accept gotten a lot of support from our electric current parents and past parents," she said.

"In that way, some practiced did come out of information technology, in that it let me know what the majority of the community thinks."

Drennan, who is Caucasian, said he hopes the negative attending surrounding the racist letter of the alphabet won't distract from the practiced care his son has been getting in that location.

"They're caring for my child and they're doing a good task of it, and the facility'due south rubber and make clean," he said.

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Drennan added that he fears the letter may prompt a race-motivated attack on the daycare centre.

"People could be really shocked like I am when they come across it, or it could simply take i sour egg … to sour the bunch," he said.

Coutou said on Thursday, she requested quotes for video surveillance systems from two companies. Ii more will come up to the daycare adjacent week, she said.

"If they're crazy plenty and ill enough to transport me that kind of a letter, I don't know who I'thou dealing with," she said.

"There's no name attached to information technology, no manner to contact that person for a rebuttal or anything like that."

She added that she has not yet heard any update from Winnipeg police regarding the investigation.

Angela Staple, a parent living in St. Norbert, says she's concerned the letter may taint the daycare'south reputation and mislead some parents into thinking information technology has race-specific policies.

"Not everybody is going to sentry the news or something, and if this gets effectually then that daycare is going to have a bad proper noun," she said.

Coutou said she suspects the letter was the upshot of someone not liking the fact that she and another woman who runs the daycare eye are black. Coutou said she is from Trinidad and has lived in Winnipeg for 44 years.

The St. Norbert Children'southward Centre is currently total, with 78 children registered.


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